Rezo: YouTuber speaks openly about mental health problems

YouTuber speaks openly about mental health problems

YouTuber Rezo was struggling with panic attacks.

© imago / Future Image

YouTuber Rezo revealed in an interview that he suffered from panic attacks.

YouTuber Rezo (28), who became known through the video “The Destruction of the CDU”, has reported openly about his psychological problems and panic attacks. In the “Spiegel” double interview with colleague Julien Bam (32) he explained: “It started with the fact that I felt uncomfortable in the evening while watching TV on the couch. I was afraid something bad was about to happen. As if a tiger was after you, but there was nothing. “

In addition, he had the feeling that he could not control himself. He did not see the doctor, although that would have made sense, says Rezo. He has received an enormous number of letters from other YouTubers, some of whom have reported about their own panic attacks.

Julien Bam had to be hospitalized because of burnout

Julien Bam has also experienced the effects of too much stress. When he was still operating his main channel “Julien Bam”, he had 18-hour days in front of and behind the camera. “I was in the hospital three times because of burn-out, twice of them overnight. I am definitely predestined to shoulder more than I can carry.” He discontinued the channel in 2019.

In the interview, Rezo further explains that constant media consumption has been part of his life for a long time: “I caught myself when I clicked on an app immediately when I was only briefly on the toilet or made myself a coffee. There is this false feeling of productivity and self-optimization, but that’s rubbish. ” Lately, he doesn’t manage to spend more than an hour on Instagram, TikTok and Twitter most days. He turned off the notifications from apps. “And most importantly: ban on cell phones in the bedroom.”

Help with depression is offered by telephone counseling on the free number: 0800/111 0 111
