Stay slim: Set the course at 30

Stay slim
This is the best way to keep your weight off after 30

© Rido/Shutterstock

Stay slim for a lifetime – it would be nice! But usually the metabolism has something against it. That can be changed! The best strategies for women in their 30s

We get older on our own. But in order to stay slim for a lifetime, we have to do something. It is true that being slightly overweight – a BMI of up to 27 – in old age is considered harmless to health. But one thing is also clear: from around the age of 30 we lose muscle mass and fat takes its place. Fewer and fewer muscles mean: The basal metabolic rate drops, we freeze more easily and have less strength and energy. Staying slim is going to be difficult now. Fortunately, this process can be stopped and even reversed – at any age! It is ideal if you set the course at a young age, between about 25 and 35.

What is happening in your body

In your mid-20s, things are at their best: the anti-aging hormones DHEA, melatonin and the growth hormone somatotropin are in abundance. Somatotropin is particularly important: As a natural doping agent, it ensures that we build muscle mass quickly. And, almost better, don’t break them down in the first place, even if we don’t train specifically. Another hormone, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) helps burn fat. Staying slim happens to us as an effect, even if we don’t exercise at all and aren’t constantly on a diet.

Now we also learn new types of sports and movement sequences very easily: the right swing with the tennis racket or demanding choreographies when dancing. Sport is so much fun for us now. However: Without us really noticing, the breakdown of anti-aging hormones starts very slowly. And “at around 30, the slowdown in metabolism becomes noticeable,” says Prof. Christoph Bamberger from the Medical Prevention Center in Hamburg. “For the first time something really changes: the muscle breakdown begins. But we don’t notice anything at first.”

What you can do to stay slim

At the beginning of this phase of life, the muscle takes care of itself, since all muscle-building hormones are still there. “That’s why the endurance component of training is clearly in the foreground,” says the doctor for internal medicine and hormone specialist Bamberger. He thinks 30 to 40 minutes of training two to three times a week is perfect. Jogging, walking, skating – it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s fun. It’s worth trying out a lot of things and just seeing: Could this be something for me? Does this fit into my life? Because at this age we also establish our first habits for adult life and learn that exercise is part of everyday working life.

From the age of 30 it becomes important to watch your weight: “Putting on fat at a young age is particularly dangerous,” says Prof. Bamberger. The CORA study clearly showed that being ten kilos overweight between your 20th and 30th birthday makes cardiovascular disease or diabetes much more likely in the course of your life than if you were between the ages of 30 and 40 gained ten pounds. But don’t worry, you can take countermeasures later.

From about 30 years of age, strength training is part of it

From about 30 years of age, strength training should be part of the program. “One third muscle building, two thirds endurance training, that’s the perfect mix,” says Bamberger. It’s best to swap walking or jogging once a week for a muscle-building program, for example a workout course in the gym or half an hour on the machines. Or you switch to sports that can do both – train endurance and muscles. This works, among other things, with swimming and with yoga, ballet or Pilates, as long as you really work up a sweat.

The right diet

By the way: You don’t need to be on a diet to lose weight or stay slim. You can also save yourself counting calories! With a healthy and balanced diet with complex carbohydrates, proteins, fruit and vegetables as well as nuts and legumes, you are already giving your body everything it needs. Tip: Here you can find out how to create a nutrition plan and eat healthily.

Lay the foundation for later with sport

Sport has to be fun, otherwise you won’t do it. what might you like Check which of the following sentences applies to you the most. There you will find the right suggestions for your new favorite sport.

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