Tag: Elena
“Celebrity Big Brother”: There is still no escalation surrounding Elena
After two days in the live stream, “Celebrity Big Brother” also started on TV on Sat.1. With the live entry of Elena Miras. Since Saturday (October 5th) all the candidates…
Ex-couple Mike Heiter and Elena Miras: “Celebrity Big Brother” escalation guaranteed?
Ex-couple Mike Heiter and Elena Miras “Celebrity Big Brother” escalation guaranteed? Mike Heiter and Elena Miras have been separated for four years. © imago images/nicepix.world That promises drama: This year,…
Ex-couple Mike Heiter and Elena Miras: How hard is it crashing on “Celebrity Big Brother”?
Ex-couple Mike Heiter and Elena Miras How violently does “Celebrity Big Brother” crash? Mike Heiter and Elena Miras have been separated for four years. © imago images/nicepix.world That promises drama:…
Mike Heiter on “Celebrity Big Brother”: Ex Elena Miras and girlfriend Leyla Lahouar are also there
Mike Heiter on “Celebrity Big Brother” Ex Elena Miras and girlfriend Leyla Lahouar are also there Mike Heiter meets his ex-girlfriend Elena Miras on “Celebrity Big Brother” together with his…
Gold, brain tumor, world record gold: Elena Semechin’s most fabulous victory is life
Gold, brain tumor, world record gold The most fabulous victory of Elena Semechin is life 06.09.2024, 07:40 She wins gold with a world record: Elena Semechin is a celebrated swimming…
“Extreme” Elena Roch – First travelled the world, then cycled away from all men
At the Race Around Austria, the men mostly only saw the back view and the rear wheel of the Lower Austrian ultracyclist Elena Roch. However, there is a financial question…
Princess Cristina + Elena: The royal sisters are like “fire and brimstone”
Princess Cristina + Princess Elena The royal sisters are like “fire and brimstone” Princess Christina and Princess Elena (right) © Dana Press Princess Cristina has had a difficult time, having…
Day 3 in the jungle camp: Elena Miras moves in
Nerves are already frayed in the summer jungle camp. Elena Miras’ arrival is not necessarily having a positive effect either. The candidates of “I’m a Celebrity – Showdown of the…
Day 3 in the jungle camp: Elena Miras arrives with great fanfare
Nerves are already frayed in the summer jungle camp. Elena Miras’ arrival is not necessarily having a positive effect either. The candidates of “I’m a Celebrity – Showdown of the…
Fotoserie – Unsere steirischen Babys
Die Steirerkrone gratuliert allen frischgebackenen Eltern herzlich zur Geburt ihrer Sprößlinge! Sehnsüchtig erwartet von Bianca und Rainer Müller mit Florian aus Bärnbach wurde die Geburt von Melina. Am 18. April war…
Street Fighter 6: great collaborations with SNK and the return of an iconic enemy for the Year 2 DLCs!
Fans of fighting games had several opportunities to rejoice this night during the Summer Game Fest Live 2024including the players of Street Fighter 6who welcomed Akuma in May. Capcom has…
Rupert Murdoch: Media mogul marries Elena Zhukova
Rupert Murdoch Media mogul marries Elena Zhukova Media entrepreneur Rupert Murdoch has married for the fifth time at the age of 93. © Dennis Van Tine/starmaxinc.com/ImageCollect Media mogul Rupert Murdoch…