Taking a pregnant plane: until when can we travel? : Current Woman Le MAG

To escape and take time for yourself before the baby arrives, nothing better than going to a dream destination. Because yes, waiting for a happy event is not a contraindication to travel. Although going on a plane vacation is not advisable, it is recommended to seek the advice of your gynecologist or midwife before considering a departure. If the expectant mother is in good health, has no risk factors and the pregnancy is proceeding normally, without any complications, she can fly away serenely.

How long can you fly when you're pregnant?

If the pregnant woman has no particular problems and her doctor allows her to travel, she can fly in the first and second trimester. Once in the third trimester of pregnancy, it is not recommended to take a plane. At this stage, it is recommended to avoid long journeys and to limit oneself to short journeys.

At the end of pregnancy, the expectant mother is often quickly tired and has more difficulty moving around. Traveling by plane can be trying for her. Her gynecologist or midwife may recommend that she rest until delivery. However, it all depends on the destination and the state of health of the expectant mother, which is why it is recommended to seek the advice of a health professional.

Beyond the 8th month, it is strongly contraindicated to take the plane. The reason is simple: it can be risky and cause certain complications. In addition, work can start at any time. It is therefore preferable to stay close to home, to be close to motherhood in the event of contractions or premature birth.

Some companies are sometimes reluctant and may deny access to airplanes to women who are more than 7 months pregnant. To be sure that the expectant mother will not give birth in the next few days, some ask to present a medical certificate or a written authorization by a doctor specifying the date of term of pregnancy. This document certifies that childbirth will not occur in the next 72 hours.

For women pregnant with twins, it is best to refrain from flying during pregnancy. Twin pregnancies are considered risky pregnancies. The main risk is premature birth. Future mothers of twins are therefore subject to increased medical surveillance in order to anticipate possible problems for both the mother and future babies. "For women who carry twins and who have no complications, the safest time to fly is before 32 weeks", indicates the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists in its report published in 2015. Conclusion: women who expect twins are not advised to fly after 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Take a pregnant plane: when to travel?

When you are pregnant, choose the right time to travel. Although it is not advisable to take a plane during the first three months of pregnancy, certain elements must be taken into account, because during this first trimester, pregnant women often suffer from nausea or are affected by severe fatigue. . All of these symptoms can be exacerbated and accentuated during air travel. During this period, the risk of miscarriage is also high.

In the second quarter, there is less risk than in the first or third quarter. At this stage, expectant mothers usually have more energy and the nausea stage is often behind them. Before being able to fly, the patient must still consult a health professional so that he can check the state of her cervix and the course of her pregnancy. If her gynecologist or midwife agrees, the pregnant woman can travel by plane.

In which case is air travel not recommended when you are pregnant?

A pregnant woman should always seek the advice of her gynecologist or midwife before flying. According to the report of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, it is nevertheless not recommended to take a plane when pregnant:

Flying pregnant: what are the risks?

A priori, traveling by plane does not present great risks for expectant mothers. A flight cannot be responsible for a miscarriage or a premature birth. If the pregnant woman has high blood pressure or diabetes, her doctor will advise her not to fly.

Flying pregnant: what precautions should we take?

To travel in the best conditions when you are pregnant, it is advisable to take some precautions. To avoid slowing blood circulation, get up regularly and walk during the flight. It is therefore recommended to choose a strategic place when booking to be able to go to the toilet, lengthen or stretch your legs or simply stretch. To prevent or limit the risk of thromboembolism, in other words the formation of a blood clot, pregnant women are also advised to wear compression stockings during medium and long journeys.

Another tip: drink frequently. The mother-to-be must hydrate regularly because the dry atmosphere on the plane can increase the risk of UTI. To travel comfortably, it is strongly recommended to wear shoes and light and wide clothing so as not to be embarrassed or compressed.

Flying pregnant: what papers should I take with me?

The expectant mother must take her full medical file (ultrasound, vital card, European health insurance card) with her, in the event of hospitalization or consultation. She must also make sure to take her medication and prescriptions. Although some travel companies do not ask for written authorization from a doctor specifying the date of term of pregnancy, others require it. It is therefore preferable to always carry the medical certificate.

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