The 10 mistakes we do everything with our cat

Can't figure out why it's war between you and your cat? Here are the 10 most common mistakes when owning a cat.

Your cat does not want to be cuddled and is hiding, he is overweight, does not drink enough or pees in the apartment. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what's wrong with your cat. Yet his behavior is often dictated by ours. Even as a feline expert, you can make mistakes! Here are the 10 most common mistakes cat owners need to know to stop breeding them.

Mistake 1: looking at your cat

Classic beginner's mistake. Cats communicate very differently from us, and very differently from dogs, for example. When you have just had a cat, you may want to cover it with your eyes all the time. No wonder: we want to see what this adorable creature is doing at all times! However, for cats, this can represent a sign of threat, or create an atmosphere of insecurity and frighten them. This is because cats usually only look at each other to intimidate each other or when they are about to fight.

The solution: Don't look directly at your cat all the time, instead look out of the corner of your eye. If he is looking at you, you can slowly blink at your cat. He will take this as a friendly gesture and, at best, will blink in response. Find out how to communicate with your cat below!

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Video by Sarah polak

Mistake 2: don't chip or tattoo it

When walking outside, cats usually stay close to the house, in their territory. Of course, no one wants to imagine the disappearance of their beloved feline. However, it is good to be prepared for all scenarios, even the worst. Because if our cat doesn't come home, there's not much we can do if we haven't taken precautions beforehand.

The solution : make sure your cat is microchipped or tattooed, even if they only live indoors. Anything can always happen! It suffices for the apartment door to be open for a moment, for the cat to be afraid and run outside.
Warning: tattooing or chipping at the vet is not enough.
Because contrary to popular belief, your cat is not automatically registered in a database. You are responsible for it!
Identification by tattooing is done by general anesthesia. This is then recorded in the National File for the Identification of Domestic Carnivores. Microchip identification is fast and painless for the animal. You must also have your number recorded in order to assign it to your animal once the chip has been read.

Where to go to have your animal identified?
At a veterinarian or licensed tattooist. To find the veterinarians near you and for more legal information, visit, the national register of cat owners.

Mistake 3: not neutering or neutering him

We love baby animals, especially kittens. Some would love to welcome little ones into their homes. However, there is a real problem with stray cats in many cities.
Cats can get pregnant at a young age, hence the importance of having your pet sterilized as soon as possible.

The solution : have him or her sterilized at the veterinarian, to prevent the proliferation of alley cats. If you have a litter of kittens, make sure they are sterilized.

Mistake 4: placing the water bowl next to the food bowl

Have you ever wondered why your cat drinks almost nothing? This can be not only because cats naturally drink little, but also the location of the water bowl. We often set up a dining area for our four-legged friends. But if the water bowl is right next to the food bowl, that could be the reason your cat doesn't want to drink. Why that ? In the wild, cats never drink the water that is right next to their prey. This is because the water could already be contaminated with carrion.

The solution : You should therefore also place the water bowl in the apartment away from food.

Mistake 5: Putting too few litter boxes

A cat, a litter box. Two cats, two litter boxes. Missed ! While it seems reasonable to assume that one litter box per cat is sufficient, it can quickly lead to problems. Indeed, many cats like to do their business big and small in different places. Another possibility: some cats don't like to use a litter box that has already been used by another. When keeping multiple cats, you should always make sure that there is a free litter box available for each animal.

The solution : the rule of thumb is: one litter box per cat + one more. So if you have two cats, in theory you should install a total of three litter boxes in your apartment.

Our selection of litter

Mistake 6: Not securing the balcony

Do you think your cat is too wise to climb onto the balcony? Or that as a cat he certainly wouldn't fall, or land on his feet? Unfortunately, this assumption is wrong, because cats can also fall from the balcony, due to the sight of a bird or a fright. And they may not come out of this fall unscathed.

The solution : to make sure nothing can happen to your cat, you need to secure your balcony. It's not always cheap, but the cost of the surgery if your cat falls and injures herself will be higher. With secure cat net (here on Amazon), you can leave your cats alone on the balcony worry-free.

Error 7: Opening windows slightly

Same as with balconies: windows can be formidable traps.
Sometimes the window opens a little to let in some fresh air. It can quickly become fatal for cats. If they try to jump or climb over it, they can get stuck and injure themselves or worse. The solution: never leave your cats unattended in a room when you open the window. Anti-tip devices exist to prevent tragedies.

Mistake 8: Keeping a cat alone

It’s quite understandable to have only one cat. The cost of having two seems too high, or the idea that the cat doesn't need or even accept a shill. The truth is, indoor cats and kittens in particular are not meant to be left alone. As humans, we will never replace a feline playmate, and the cat can quickly get bored or lonely.

The solution : as long as your cat is not sick or very old, it is always possible to consider a second cat. They will both have fun, that's for sure!

See also: Coronavirus: this cat who comforts a caregiver is heartwarming!

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Video by Sarah polak

Mistake 9: Putting a collar on your cat

Of course, a necklace with a bell can be cute. And the benefits of an outdoor flea collar cannot be denied. However, cats don't like it too much. They can also hang on a branch with their collar, for example. In the worst case, they can strangle themselves.

The solution : Avoid the bells, as they are torture for your cat's sensitive ears. If you absolutely want to put a collar on it, prefer a model with a security lock. In an emergency, it will open on its own.

Mistake 10: Continue to fill your bowl

We sometimes have the impression that our cat is always hungry. But by constantly feeding him, we are doing him a disservice. Because by eating too much, he becomes overweight and sick. Often, indoor cats want food just because they are bored.
The only exception: kittens that are still growing should always have food available.

The solution : introduce fixed feeding times. For example in the morning and in the evening. When you are at home, maybe a little something for lunch. If the bowls are empty, you should not fill them, but wait for the next meal.