Video: 6 Kids Quirks That Make Them Better Adults

Six children's quirks that we should encourage

Resentful sulking or a pronounced sense of justice?


Unruly, reckless and stubborn: Even the most beloved children have qualities that can rob parents of the last nerve. But it is precisely these character traits that we should encourage instead of complaining about them – because later as adults, children will have many advantages in life with them.

Yes, parents love their children without reservation and without any ifs or buts. Still, do they quite often drive us to the verge of nervous breakdowns? Oh yes, and how! But that doesn't have to be bad. On the contrary: we should never drive out many of our children's “bad” traits at second glance.

Stubborn, or assertive?

Of course, children have to learn that certain behaviors will not only bring them into conflict, but will also not be beneficial in later life. But many things that push parents to the limit of their ability are traits that are a real plus in adults. See for yourself!
