GTA Online: How To Make Money Fast

Making money in Grand Theft Auto Online is constantly evolving, as Rockstar Games regularly add new content in multiplayer, ranging from new cosmetics to new vehicles, and even the ability to start your own business.

However, if you’re behind the curve and still steal cars for sale at Los Santos Customs, stealing convenience stores for a few hundred dollars each time and want to avoid buying Shark Cards, we might have some useful tips to keep your accounts fresh.

Whether you are based in Los Santos or just up in Paleto Bay, there is something about getting involved that will make you earn a lot more money. So with that, let’s take a look at all of your options.

Time trial – $ 50,000 per week

We will start with an effective method, but not too rewarding: time trials. These weekly time trial races can net you a pretty penny if you can master the right route and drop below the nominal score.

TIP: Keep up to date with weekly GTA Online updates, as Rockstar Games usually includes enhanced payouts for Time Trial missions. Sometimes they’re double and triple so it’s worth keeping an eye out.

Heists – $ 400,000 per hour depending on difficulty

Heists are the biggest spinners of money in GTA Online, but it can take time and effort to do effectively. More precisely, the robbery of the Pacific Standard or that of the Diamond Casino.

Motorcycle Club Missions – $ 100,000 per hour

If you’re inspired by Sons of Anarchy, you can even start your own motorcycle gang in GTA Online. These motorcycle clubs can earn you money through passive tasks like driving guns or dealing drugs, but they take time and a lot of money to reach their full potential. In addition, you will need to spend at least $ 200,000 on a base for your club.

VIP Work – $ 100,000 to $ 150,000 per hour

Now, if you are already a big player in GTA Online and own a business, you can use them to add to your already huge sums. However, if you are new to Los Santos, try to find someone who is willing to help you.

The VIP job – which is similar to Motorcycle Club missions – can net you between $ 100,000 and $ 150,000 per hour depending on the type of mission you select and how efficiently you can bounce from task to task. other. The top three choices are Hostile Takeover, Headhunter, and Seer. You’ll also get regular cash cuts to keep your CEO alive.

Take risks at GTA Casino

Diamond Casino has given players a very different way of winning – and let’s face it, losing – money in Grand Theft Auto 5. However, there is definitely money to be made.

There is a wide selection of different games including roulette, blackjack, slots and more. However, one of the best ways to make money in the casino is definitely Inside Track horse racing.

While you wait for the missions to cool down and start over, it might be a perfect task to fill up a bit of time and who knows, maybe double or triple your revenue since the last heist you did. It’s quite a gamble.

So get into a game and dodge gunshots from other players, there is a lot of money to be claimed!

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