Slimming lunch: what should you eat at lunchtime to lose weight? A dietician responds: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

It is understood: to lose weight, you should follow a balanced diet and practice regular physical activity. A principle which can nevertheless prove difficult to apply at lunchtime, especially when eating outside or in the canteen. Garence Naigeon, dietitian-nutritionist, reveals her tips for putting together a balanced plate, wherever you are.

Create a balanced plate

A balanced plate must include all essential macronutrients in order to ensure nutritional intake and to have good satiation. “To know : a portion of vegetables, a serving of protein animal (meat, fish, eggs) or vegetable (legumes), starchy and some fat to cover lipid needs. In practice, the ideal plate is broken down as follows: 1/2 plate of vegetables, 1/4 of starchy foods, 1/4 of proteins and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil which can be substituted with cream if the dish lends itself to it”, explains Garence Naigeon. However, it seems important to emphasize the fact that energy needs vary from one individual to another. For example, an athlete may need to increase their portion of starchy foods and proteins while a person looking to lose weight will necessarily have to reduce their carbohydrate intake.

Dessert is not obligatory

Depending on your desire and satisfaction, you can have fruit and/or dairy products for dessert. “However, if you have eaten enough and feel full, you can have it as an afternoon snack.” advises the dietitian-nutritionist. Obviously, it is better to take a natural yogurt but to choose, it is better to add 1 teaspoon of jam or honey rather than relying on an already sweetened yogurt. “It is important to keep in mind that the more we enjoy the meal, the longer we will be able to last since there will be no frustrations which will lead us to compensate afterwards”, argues the specialist.

Stay tuned to your feelings

The way you eat is as important as the contents of the plate itself. Therefore, it is essential to take your time to chew well, to listen to your food sensations and to maintain the notion of pleasure. So many elements that will affect weight in the long term.

Consider the nutritional balance as a whole

A single meal alone does not define a balanced diet. “This is built over the day, the week or even the month. It is not because you eat a rich meal that you will gain weight, just like eating a healthy meal as part of poor overall dietary hygiene. insists our interlocutor.

Should we ban starchy foods when we’re paying attention to our figure?

Weight regulation must be considered in a sustainable manner. “What we see is that when we reduce our rations too much, we can last for a while but this can increase cravings. You should know that 80% of food urges which occur at the end of the day are linked to insufficient energy intake at previous meals“, explains Garence Naigeon. If we have vegetables and proteins combined with starchy foods, it’s not just a big plate of pasta, it’s a balanced plate with proportions that satiate and limit the risk of food compulsions. In all cases, a balanced diet is a question of frequency and quantities.

thanks to Garence Naigeondietician-nutritionist

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