Valheim’s Low Player Count Makes The World More Intimate

Valheim’s multiplayer option is limited, keeping the number of players on a server low. This restriction keeps exploration of the world the main goal.

In Valheim, gameplay focuses on soft-to-hardcore survival, with players battling the harsh environment and dangerous creatures to stay alive. The world is a mixture of open meadows and daunting stands of tress, and the possibility of death lurks around every bush and boulder. However, fans of the game don’t have to embark on their journey through the world alone. Valheim supports a minimal multiplayer experience, allowing fans to open their world to friends. The low number of players allowed on a Valheim server helps keep the vast world daunting and beautiful, as well as offering players a more intimate experience both with the challenges of the game and with the friends they choose to play alongside.

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Currently Valheim’s multiplayer option supports 2-10 players on a server at any given time. Fans of other sandbox games like Minecraft may have played on dedicated servers before picking up Valheim, and know some of the struggles these servers come with. Sometimes a server can have hundreds, if not thousands, of players active at any given time. These worlds often have their resources stripped, and seeing so many other players can make the world quickly feel small. Valheim’s server limit ensures its users won’t struggle with this problem, as the battle against the environment is the focus point of gameplay.

Related: What Valheim’s Giant Tree In The Sky Is (& Can You Reach It?)

Limiting player numbers in Valheim servers has another unseen benefit, as players can more easily work with each other to take on the challenges present. They can band together to build elaborate bases, with multiple hands to gather resources and build structures, making work easier for everyone. Players can also strategize and take on Valheim’s multiple bosses collectively, rather than handling it alone. A team can split off into groups to explore different biomes, or travel the ocean on large ships.

Valheim’s Limited Player Count Improves Teamwork And Strategy

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For players who would like less teamwork, and potentially wish to add another element of difficulty to gameplay, there is a PVP option available in Valheim. The limited number of players on Valheim’s servers allow space for multiple bases to be built across the map, and players have a better ability to strategically take out their fellow players. This style of combat wouldn’t be possible on a server with large numbers of people, where the lack of space often leads to players being killed continuously as they accidentally run into their often-random opponents.

Valheim presents players with a number of interesting challenges, from leveling their Valheim character’s skills, to building the best tools and weapons in the game. Whether players choose to take this Viking journey on alone or not, they will be met with rewarding challenges and satisfyingly difficult gameplay of this hard-core survival style game. Fans playing Valheim on servers with their friends will enjoy the thrill of teamwork, and the success of battle, as they drink mead in their hand-crafted bases together.

Next: Valheim Map: How Big It Is & What Happens When You Sail To The Edge

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